OUR country
Rainforest Tilapia are the only tilapia born, raised and harvested in the lush, protected beauty of Costa Rica.

Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a global jewel of biodiversity and natural wilderness. In only 0.03% of the world’s landmass, Costa Rica holds 4% of all known living species of flora and fauna in the world - over 615 wildlife species per 10,000 sq km.
Our country is one of the most lush, alive, and ecologically spectacular places on the planet.
It is also one of the most protected. To honor and preserve the distinct natural ecosystems of Costa Rica, 25% of the country is set aside in protective parks and reserves. That’s 27 national parks, 58 wildlife refuges, 32 protected zones, 15 wetland areas/mangroves, 11 forest reserves, 8 biological reserves, and 12 conservation regions solely dedicated to protecting the purity and integrity of Costa Rica’s unique and precious wilderness.
Rainforest Tilapia are the only tilapia in the world born, raised, and harvested in the lush, protected beauty of Costa Rica. Our tilapia benefit from the purity and diversity of Costa Rica at every stage of their lives, from our rare volcanic water source to the “Pura Vida” touch of the men and women who raise our fish. Every Rainforest tilapia is imbued with the optimistic spirit, easy integrity and natural purity of Costa Rica.